Life is tenacious. It finds its way into the most unlikely and hostile environments, and it evolves. It grows. It adapts.
We started from a single-celled primordial soup and are now talking about a non-fungible token based game over light-speed communication networks.
Life breeds ever increasing complexity until it reaches self-aware, tool-building intelligence, at which point it begins to dictate its own evolution, eventually forging its path in the wider cosmos.
Maybe life is the otherwise lifeless universe gazing upon itself. Or maybe the life that we know on Earth is just one instance of many, spawned by an intelligence far superior to ours...
Join thousands of other players around the world on the path from single-celled bacteria breeding and evolving their way up the evolutionary ladder toward humanity.
Gather resources, build your society, and research technology with the goal of discovering and perfecting rocketry.
Establish a thriving community and trade with others across the solar system.
Reach for other stars and uncover the mysterious origins of life on Earth.
Last updated