Era 2 - Industrial

Era 2 opens up civilizational development to the player, by providing resource management, construction, item crafting, and research features.

Organism NFTs that have been bred in Era 1 need be used as “workers”; members of a society starting with hunter-gathering and reaching fully modern industrialization.

One or more Organisms need to be staked (locked) for a certain period of time to perform work that results in gradual progress and growth in the player’s civilization. See NFT Utility.

Thus, to participate in Era 2, a player needs to either have already participated in Era 1 and still holds Organism NFTs, or buys at least 1 Organism NFT from another player.

All actions are completely on-chain!

Resource Gathering

Raw materials are needed for construction and crafting.

At their most basic level, these include - but are not limited to: wood, ore, stone, sand, water, and plants.

Basic resource gathering will be the most common early game action that each player will be undertaking in Era 2.

More advanced construction and crafting requires resources to be refined or otherwise transformed (e.g., glass from sand).


Various tools, items, and smaller projects need to be crafted. This is done by combining gathered or refined resources, potentially with other crafted items. For example wood and stone can be crated into a pickaxe.

Crafting is also used for consumables such as stamina-boosting potions.

Many craftable tools and items will be tradeable on the in-game marketplace using the Game Token.


Buildings and other large projects need to be constructed. Construction requires a large amount of resources, tools, and Organism action time.


Era 2 will feature a deep research tree that will be required to unlock various technologies and buildings as players progress in their civilizations.

Upgrades & Repairs

Tools and buildings will be upgradeable to 1) increase their efficiency and 2) unlock more actions, items, and research as the player progresses.

Tools undergo wear-and-tear over time and can break if not maintained.


Accidents happen...

Certain actions are inherently dangerous and involve a certain amount of risk. Although the probability is very low, Organisms may be hurt or even die after working on a game action. Being hurt just requires time spent healing, but Organism death is permanent.

The earliest Era 2 game actions do not include death chance to avoid a poor game experience for someone just starting out.

Additionally, another player's Organisms can be hired to work for you not to risk your own, as well as to boost your overall productivity.


Crucially, Era 2 also introduces a thriving in-game economy that allows players to earn and spend an in-game currency. This is powered by a Darwinians-specific SPL Token - the Solana equivalent of Ethereum’s ERC20 and Binance’s BEP20 tokens, which is tradeable on exchanges, resulting in a play-to-earn system. See Play to Earn / GameFi.

  • marketplace



  • defensive structures + damage

  • PVE battles

  • enemy scaling with player growth


  • stat transfer

  • cosmetics transfer

  • genetic inheritence


  • WIP


  • WIP


  • WIP


  • WIP

Last updated